Getting Started

  • Getting Started
  • QB64 (originally QB32) is a self-hosting BASIC compiler for Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, designed to be compatible with Microsoft QBasic and QuickBASIC. QB64 is a C++ emitter, which is integrated with a C++ compiler to provide compilation via C++ code optimization.
    Follow the insturction to get ready with you QBASIC SETUP
    • To download QBSIC(qb64) offical website click here
    • You will be take to following page:-

    • Download required verson for you as marked on the pic above ^

    • Download required verson for you by clicking as marked on the pic above ^

  • After Downloading QBASIC ZIP file
  • You will have a similar file like this 
  • Note:-

    if your file can't be open then you have to download zip file extractor. Don't know how to use software.
    click on the button to learn it
  • Right Click and extract the zip file in safe location (i.e in another drive like d: e: f: etc. 
  • After extracting the file you will have a file as 
  • Inside Folder you will have such file as shown in the pictur below V And open the file as marked below

    tha the file will directuly run. not need to install it.
  • After clicking on it the QBASIC (qb64) is ready to use:
  • After your file is open don't for get to pin this program to task bar shown in the figure below so that for the next use it will be easy and want have to go to the drive to file the folder.


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